Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Author Archive

What’s up with the nasty judge?
Thursday, March 6th, 2008
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Why does every reality show contest have to have a nasty judge, and nine times out of ten they’re British. It works with Simon Cowell because he’s the original, but it seems like every reality show has to follow that formula now, America’s Got Talent, Dancing with the Stars, America’s Next Top Model. The list just goes on. Is it me or is that formula of the nice judge, the judge no one understands and the hateful judge, getting boring? Maybe I just watch too much television. … Read more

Children of the Dust: Resurrection Now Available!
Thursday, March 6th, 2008
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While the Freedom Fighters struggle to shape the resistance into a fearsome military force, Sydney and Jack are still bumping heads. Jack knows Sydney’s the woman for him, but Sydney has her doubts. Still, their passion burns hotter than ever.
Jack and Sydney aren’t the only ones with flaring tempers. Holly and Chase too must overcome their differences before they can provide a united front to their team.

As the resistance gains strength, preparing to overthrow the Cyrellians, Earth’s future hangs in the balance.

http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=819… Read more

Happy Valentine’s Day
Thursday, February 14th, 2008
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Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone, and remember spread a little love every day instead of one day out of the year. … Read more

A plea…
Saturday, February 9th, 2008
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For goodness sake, please take down your Christmas decorations. It’s February for godsake. Come on, that’s just plain lazy. You know who you are. … Read more

One day at a time….
Wednesday, January 30th, 2008
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It seems like every year for the part 10 years I say I’m going to live a healthier lifestyle and every year I fail miserably. By the end of Feb I’m stuffing my face and making excuses not to go to the gym. This year, I’m taking a new approach. It’s my one day at a time. Before when I had a bad day, I’d just give up, but this year, if I have a bad day, like eating something I’m not supposed to or not going to the gym like I should, I’ll just get back on the wagon … Read more

Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 25th, 2007
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Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!!… Read more

Michael Jackson
Monday, December 10th, 2007
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I must admit, I was watching old Jackson 5 video’s on You Tube and got a bit teary eyed. Michael Jackson was soooo adorable and so talented. But then when I think about what he looks like now, I can just weep. What the hell have you done to yourself Michael? Where’s the cute little kid? No matter what I’ll always think of him as that cute kid full of hope and promise instead of the white woman who likes to spend way too much time with little boys. Thriller is still one of my fav albums though. … Read more

Are you a label reader?
Sunday, November 25th, 2007
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I’ve become one in the past few months. Especially on meats. I’m trying to eat healthier and live a little better and I can’t help but think the high rate of cancer, autism in children and other health issues are largely in part to how foods are packaged. For instance, my girlfriend’s eight year old daughter not only got her period recently, she’s a C cup!! This girl is stacked, and definitely could pass for a girl in her late teens. A lot of little girls are developing faster than girls did when I was a kid, and getting hair … Read more

I really suck at blogging
Sunday, November 18th, 2007
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I’m making an early New Years Resolution to update my blog. I doubt I get many hits on my blog because it’s so far in between posts bit I will try to train myself to post more. Maybe once a week.

So I’ll start tonight with a pet peeve. I hate websites with music on them. I don’t know why, but they drive me nuts. Unless its a musician who’s trying to sell records I don’t get why people have music on their websites. I guess its just a preference thing. I’m sure there are just as many people who … Read more

The Factory Now Available at Changeling Press
Sunday, November 18th, 2007
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Landing a job at Cryo Cor, the largest food manufacturer on the planet, is a dream come true for Sydney. But her dream job becomes a nightmare when she discovers a horrible secret about Cryo Cor’s products. Cryo Cor is processing Humans — as food!

Overnight Sydney becomes a wanted woman. She finds unexpected salvation in the form of a tall, dark, rugged stranger. Jack and his band of Freedom Fighters will stop at nothing to take down the alien threat to mankind. When Jack offers Sydney his protection, sparks immediately fly between these two headstrong people, but their arguments … Read more