Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Author Archive

Blood Brother’s 3.5 Jagger’s Woman Now Available!!!
Tuesday, October 24th, 2006
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Fangs was released today with Loose-id. It features Jagger’s Woman, and two other stories, Flare Zone by Barbara Karmazin (love her) and Immortal Warriors by Suz DeMello. A vampire anthology, just in time for Halloween.

Now that Jagger’s story is out, know what that means? Dante is next!!! Already I’ve gotten questions of who he’s going to be with and willl he be with a black woman? I’ve given it a lot of thought and I have in mind who he will be with. What I love so much about the Grimaldi Brothers is that they love with all their … Read more

The Life and Loves April Johnson now in Print!!
Wednesday, October 18th, 2006
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I’m excited about the release of this book. It’s my first book available in the bookstores Borders, Waldens. I’m really jazzed about that. I guess that means I have to arrange book signings. I’m generally not shy person, but I hate the idea of sitting in the book store, and sitting there wondering if someone will come by and ask me to sign a book. That scares the hell out of me. I’ve seen authors in book stores with no one around them. Yikes. I guess you have to start somewhere right? You have to crawl before you walk and … Read more

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006
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I’m so addicted to the show it’s ridiculous. I wait with baited breath on Mondays for this show to come on. Not since Jem and the Holograms have I been so enthralled by a television show. Wow. It has everything, action, drama, comedy, and hot guys. Whoo Hoo. But it leaves me with burning questions every week. Does that kid have powers? Can Nathan be any slimier? Would you want you ever want to piss Nikki off? Who the hell is Sylar? Does Issac really need the heroine to paint the future. OMG, this show is so ridiculously good. In … Read more

A Night To Remember-Now Available at Samhain!!
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006
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Ma’am?” The desk agent interrupted her thoughts. “I’m sorry, but the other hotels are booked solid as well.

“Great, just my luck. Thanks for checking anyway.” Charlie turned away from the front desk only to run into something that felt like a brick wall. She would have fallen backwards if two strong arms hadn’t wrapped themselves around her. Charlie looked up to see whom she had run into. Damn, it was the pretty boy from the bar. Her heart beat a tattoo against her chest.

Oh dear, I hope he isn’t following me. This is the last thing … Read more

I am an addict
Wednesday, September 20th, 2006
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I realized tonight I am an addict. My love of reality shows has gone overboard. Tonight Dancing With The Stars, The Biggest Loser, Project Runway, and America’s Next Top Model came on!! I nearly lost my damn mind. What’s a poor girl to do when she’s having reality show overloard. I should have been writing, but I was glued in front of my television set, clutching my remote flipping channels so I wouldn’t miss anything. I swear when all the shows went off I was suffering from withdrawls. My hands were shaking and I felt like a crack head without … Read more

4Saken Now Available
Friday, August 18th, 2006
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Finally my last contribution to the Agency of Extraordinary Mates series is out with Changeling Press. And it makes the last time I ever do a four person menage. It was fun doing it, but 4Play was only meant to be a one off, but then I got some email about doing a sequel. Then I thought, why the hell not. Big mistake, because then another character popped up and of course I had to do her story. *sigh* Why do I create more work for myself. I’m really quite lazy at heart and despise working. I need a vacation. … Read more

The Life And Loves of April Johnson
Wednesday, August 9th, 2006
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Is finally out with Samhain!! Yeah! I have to be the biggest slacker when it comes to announcing my own stuff. When it comes to other authors, I shout it from the roof top, so why do I get out there and promo myself like I should? Is it procrastination or am I just plain lazy? Could be a little of both. Anyway, this story started out as a free read on my loop but with the encouraugement of my readers, I sold it. It was an extrememly emotional piece to write. I think it was one of the first … Read more

A Night To Remember
Sunday, July 16th, 2006
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A Night To Remember has been posted to the coming soon page at Samhain. It’s due out Oct 3rd. I’m really excited about its re-release, because I’ve added an addition 10K so far and changed around some of the dynamics of the story. More scenes with Christy and Jake, I thought they the kid needed a little more face time, and another steamy love scene. Yeah. Graphic sex is always great isn’t it. LOL I’m so excited that I will be getting a new cover for it as well, and I can’t wait to see it. Now that I have … Read more

Monday, June 26th, 2006
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I finally updated my website. I’ve been trolling around other authors websites lately because I’m going to get my webmistress to redesign my site. Yeah, its time for a new look. I was thinking of going a lighter purple, one that wasn’t so glaring, but changed my mind. You know what? I like green. Green for the money baybee!! Mint green because it’s a lighter happier color, and plus I think I like the color green better than I like purple. Since I have about 18 books now and by the end of the year will have a bout 20 … Read more

I know I promised to keep my blog updated more faithfully..
Wednesday, June 7th, 2006
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Well, I lied. I didn’t really but life kind of got in the way. I’m going to update very soon. :-)Read more