Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Author Archive

I am through with American Idol
Wednesday, May 10th, 2006
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My favorite Chris was voted off tonight and I’m beside myself. I have no reason to watch. The DH says I should back his choice Taylor Hicks, but no!!! I’m going to be honest and true to my Chris. I suppose if you look on the bright side, Chris doesn’t have to sign the crappy contract they make all the idol winners sign. *WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH* … Read more

My first RT
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006
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I’m so excited to be going to my first Romantic Times conference, where I’ll have my first official book signing. I’m giddy like a little school girl. Not only will I have one book to sign but two. I am in two anthologies for Changeling. It’s the AOEM series, and I’m in volume one(4Play) with Kate Douglas and Alice Gaines, and volume three (4’s Company) with Aubrey Ross and Camille Anthony. It’s such an honor to be published with these ladies because a year and a half ago, I was reading these authors just lucky to breath the same air … Read more

A Night To Remember
Sunday, April 23rd, 2006
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I’m not sure if some of you have noticed, but A Night To Remember has been taken off the website, it’s no longer available for sale. I no longer write for Liquid Silver Books and before rumors start flying, it was a business decision on my end pure and simple. The split was amicable, and wish LSB the best in all of their endeavors. They still have a good stables of authors so I’m sure they will do quite well. ANTR will be released with new chapters at my new pub Samhain. I was very impressed with them with what … Read more

My Super Sweet 16
Sunday, April 9th, 2006
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I’m sitting at home, the hubby is out doing his thing, and I should be writing, but Ive been fascinated by this show My Super Sweet Sixteen on MTV. If you’re familiar with this show, it’s about really spoiled rich kids getting making their parents spend extravagent amounts of money for sweet sixteen party. These kids are out of control. Out of control!! One girl told her dad, I want to punch you in the face. Another girl told her mom, stop being a bitch, and don’t pretend like its not all about me because it is. Wow. If I … Read more

Dear Ryan McFadyen,
Thursday, April 6th, 2006
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Dear Ryan,

You may have may think it was fun for you and a bunch of your buddies to get together and hire strippers for the purpose of humiliation and assualt. You may have thought it was funny to send that little email about rounding up more strippers and “killing those bitches and skinning them” You may even get off for what you did or what you allowed your buddies to do, but as you close ranks and keep keep mum about what happened, I want you to know, I’ll never forget you or your face or the things you … Read more

Random thoughts on writing..
Saturday, March 25th, 2006
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I think one of the best things about writing for my the publishers that I do, is the freedom they give me to create the characters that I want to write. I love writing about women you wouldn’t have traditionally seen on the bookshelves a few years back, i.e. women of color, big beautiful women, women with real life issue, etc. But you know, sometimes I do like writing the traditional heroine as well. I don’t even want to pigeon hole myself as a specific type of author.
I think an author has to write what the story calls for, … Read more

Desparate Housewives
Sunday, March 19th, 2006
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I’m so thoroughly addicted to this show, but it’s starting to piss me off. It’s always either a rerun or pre empted. WTF!! Last week was the first new episode in forever and now this week is a re run? Keep it up ABC and you’ll be losing a fan.… Read more

Sunday, March 19th, 2006
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That’s all I can say to having won the CAPA for 2005 Best new erotic Author. Wow. Just being published is such a thrill and meeting so many wonderful people in the process. This is just icing on the cake. *sigh* Thanks to everyone for their continued support. … Read more

New Mothers
Wednesday, March 15th, 2006
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If its raining, put a damn coat and something over your baby’s head. It’s so not cool that you have a rain jacket on, but your baby is getting drenched. Yes, I saw that the other day and I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but someone beat me to the punch. The woman actually got beligerent. And this is the same mother who probably wonders why her kid is sick all the time. … Read more

American Idol
Sunday, February 26th, 2006
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Yep, it’s that time a year again. American Idol is back with a vengence and Simon is nastier than ever. I love it! Some people are saying he’s extra mean this year, but to be honest, there wouldn’t be a show without him. Face it, one of the reasons we watch is to see what he’ll say next. I don’t care what anyone says, I love that man.

As for Paula Abdul, what the hell is wrong with her? Is she on drugs because half the things she says doesn’t make sense. I just keep waiting for Simon to belt … Read more