Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Author Archive

More contemporaries to come
Thursday, December 29th, 2005
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I’m going to focus on more contemporaries in the 06. I enjoy the paranormals, and won’t stop, but I only had one true contemporary this year, A Night To Remember. There’s something about writing contempories that give me a deep satisfactions. Maybe it’s because they flow well for me. I don’t know. But I enjoy writing them. I guess my problem is that I have way too many ideas in my head and not enough time to write them all. I think I should just be rich and then I would lay on my couch and dictate my words to … Read more

The Dante Dilemma solved
Thursday, December 29th, 2005
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I’m not really sure why I’ve been agonizing over this issue, because I’m not even starting his story until Feb…Maybe. When a set of characters of a story consumes my thoughts a large percentage of the time when I really should be thinking of other stuff, like my life, job, and my husband, it’s time to put that story aside. Let’s face it. I need a break from anyone with the last name Grimaldi. :-(

But on a lighter note, I did finally make the decision that whoever he ends up with won’t be mortal. That’s my only thoughts so far, … Read more

Dante Grimaldi….
Monday, December 26th, 2005
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is driving me nuts. The Blood Brothers series started out so fun to write, and it still is, but trying to figure out who the perfect mate for Dante will be has been a dilemma.A lot of readers have let me know who they’d like to see our hunky vampire with, and it’s given me a lot to think about.

I’ve already decided that it definitely won’t be Nya. First off, she’s a self-hating vampire. There aren’t many vampires that she likes. Dante is proud of his vampire heritage, and wouldn’t understand her I hate vampires rant, considering she herself … Read more

Santa was here
Monday, December 26th, 2005
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Santa was pretty good to me this year, although I have no idea why because I’ve been a very bad girl this year. LOL Oh well, I didn’t really have much of a relaxing weekend, but on New Years, I don’t plan on doing a darn thing. WoooHooo!! I hope everyone had a very Happy Holiday and a wonder New Year!!… Read more

New Years Resolutions
Friday, December 16th, 2005
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New Years is fast approaching and a bunch of us will be making New Years Resolution of what we plan on doing, how much weight will lose and so forth. Me me me. Well, I think JFK summed it up best when he said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. No truer words have been spoken.” Ask yourself what you can do for someone else in 2006. When you give, good things happen. Volunteer your time, work in a soup kitchen, volunteer to read to the elderly, whatever, just … Read more

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005
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I’ve been busting my ass at the gym of late and I was feeling pretty good after a particularly tough work out. After I walk out of my spin class, I get ambushed by a personal trainer there. Yikes! Did my ass jiggle just a little too much when I walked by. He wanted to work out with me, and being the suker that I am, I gave in and made an appointment with him for next week. *sigh* I felt so depressed I came home and ate some Doritos. :-(Read more

Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
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I’m very excited about this Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday of the year. Sure you get gifts on Christmas, but you also spend a lot more, and it’s so commercialized now that I think a lot of people have forgotten the true meaning. I think that’s why I love Thanskgiving so much, because its all about family, showing what you’re thankful for and stuffing your face. I’m spending Thanksgiving with my family this year. It’s an arrangement between the hubby and I to do Thanksgiving with my family and Christmas with his, besides, my family are better cooks, but we’ll … Read more

Friday, November 11th, 2005
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It’s come to my attention that some of my mail has been going directly to my spam box, and up until last week I always just deleted my spam stuff until I got a couple emails saying I didn’t respond to emails. Low and behold there were the emails in the spam folder. I really apologize if you’ve written to me and didn’t get a response. I value all the mail I get from my readers and try to respond to them all in a timely matter, usually within 24 hours. Just know in the future I will be going … Read more

Monica’s on fire
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005
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http://monicajackson.com/2005/ I love this author because she has a set of balls the size of grapefruits and I love her books too. It’s refreshing that there’s an author out there who tells it like it is. She underlines the plight of the black author and the way the books by AA writers are written. Something to think about, just because a romance is written by a black author should it automatically be shoved in the AA section in the book store even though technically AA is not a genre. Monica writes awesome paranormals, but its not classified as such. Is … Read more

Blood Brother’s 3
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005
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Is finished and in the hands of my editor!! This Grimaldi brothers are wearing me down. *sigh* I do enjoy writing their stories but, I feel so drained after each installment. After my edits for Romeo is finished, I do believe I’ll set this series aside for a couple of months to focus on other projects. I have a werewolf series and my wizard series, rememeber Sasha’s briefly mentioned brothers? I have a menage story in that series planned, for my freakier readers, but we all know that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. … Read more