Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Author Archive

Charles and Camilla
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005
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Charles and Camilla are coming to the U.S. Does anyone care? Anyone? Anyone?
*crickets chirping* Yeah, me neither. … Read more

Satan has a little sister……….
Thursday, October 13th, 2005
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And her name is Lynette. I’ve recently started working out trying to live a healthy lifestyle and all that junk, but who knew excercising would be such hard work. I joined a gym and I’m starting to notice some subtle differences in my body, so I decided to take a club boxing class. Sounds like fun right? Hell no. It sucked ass. While trying to gasp for breath, Lynette the aerobics instructor spat abuse at use telling us quitting was for losers. Well lose this bitch (since you can’t see what I’m doing I’ll tell you. I’m holding up my … Read more

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
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I would like to sincerely apologize to Miss Lena Matthews. Lena did not exactly say my site was ugly, although she did imply it. :-D I humbly throw myself at her mercy. I beg her not to reveal my dirty little secret. She is all that is good and kind. Lena is great. She is super. I wish I could be more like her. I am slime. … Read more

My New Site
Tuesday, October 4th, 2005
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What do you think about? Isn’t it beautiful. I owe it to Lena Matthews because she told me my website sucked so it motivated me to finally getting it updated. I didn’t think my website sucked before, it was just in the beginning process is all, and I think my friend who set it up is awesome. He does beautiful websites, he’s just a busy man. So I have a few people to thank for my beautiful site, Dave, thanks for laying the foundation. Lena, thanks for giving me the kick in the ass I needed, to The Diva (Jacque) … Read more

The Wait is over!!!
Tuesday, September 27th, 2005
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Niccolo’s Witch is now available at Loose-id!!!! Yea!!! Which means the next story coming out is Romeo’s I’m working on his story now and hopefully will have it into my editor’s hands very soon. Yea!!!… Read more

My relief effort and my fitness effort
Tuesday, September 20th, 2005
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Yea, so far I’ve raised 100 bucks and since I’m getting it matched from my company, that makes 200 bucks. WHOO HOO I still have a bit to go before I reach my goal, but I think I’m off to a good start. All the funds are being raised for Habitat for Humanity, because they will need a lot of money to help in the rebuilding effort. I know that my goal of raising five hundred dollars may not put a dent in what is needed, but if we all pitch in, every little bit starts adding up. I would … Read more

Niccolo’s Witch
Sunday, September 18th, 2005
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Okay, I got my fourth angry email today about Niccolo’s Witch since the cover has been posted on my website. I promise, it’s on it’s way. It will be out on the 27th and while I’m so glad that people are anxiously waiting on the sequel to GianMarco’s Muse. Please…no death threats. LOL Literally, this is what one reader wrote to me word for word:

(Permission granted by author)

Dear Ms. Vaughn:

I really enjoyed GianMarco’s Muse however it came out in March and it is now September. You’ve had the cover to Niccolo’s Witch posted on your website for … Read more

The Relief Effort
Saturday, September 10th, 2005
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I will be announcing my fundraising efforts on my group within the next day or so, because my company will match my donations dollar for dollar, I will be collecting funds to go to charity. As a special thanks those who donate at least five buck will get a free download, I have thirty authors who have agreed to donate their books, even a couple of print authors who will give me signed copies of their books. I’m pretty excited about this. If you’re interested in the details, check out my website or visit my yahoo group for details. Every … Read more

The Blame Game
Wednesday, September 7th, 2005
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I’ve read a lot of blogs and articles about what is going on in the Big Easy and Mississippi and there’s a lot of finger pointing going on. There will be plenty of time to play the blame game later because there’s a lot of blame to go around from the lowest municipal officials to the highest office in the country. I’m sure in the months to come some people will step down, one person will be made the sacrificial lamb so others can come out smelling like roses. Well I only have one thing to say. STOP IT.
What … Read more

Ass for Gas
Tuesday, August 30th, 2005
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I think I’m going to be like one of those homeless people on the street who holds up the sign saying “Will Work For Food” but instead, I will have an Ass for Gas sign. Sheesh. Short of selling my kidney, what’s a girl to do without going broke just to get from point a to point b. Really, gas prices are ridiculous, then I hear on the radio that gas will leap 20 cents by the end of the week because of Hurricane Katrina. Damn you Katrina. I’m sure this will probably get me in trouble with the environmentalist … Read more