Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Author Archive

I’m neglectful
Saturday, August 20th, 2005
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Howdy all. I’ve been a bad bad girl. I should be posting to my blog with more regularity, but I have been so lazy. Since I last posted, I’ve been on vacation. Gone to a family reunion that wasn’t really and family reunion and done took two big steps towards securing my future. What you ask? I’m not telling!!! :-)~ Only because I’m extremely superstitious and don’t want to jinx myself, but when I hear some news, I hope it was be the good kind. Anyway, I started a new free story on my Yahoo group called The Reunion which … Read more

Nuerotic Author
Thursday, July 21st, 2005
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Okay, I’m being totally neurotic, but I’m going to pursue something I never tried before. Maybe it will work out, maybe it won’t. I’m not saying what I’m going to do because knowing my dumb luck it’s not going to happen. But, keep me in your prayers anyway.
Now on for the news, more bombings in London? Sources say they could be copy cats, but what kind of sick f**Ks would want to copycat something so horrific. Really? It’s just not funny.
My heart goes out to England. I can imagine how everyone over there is still trying to make … Read more

I’m Baaaacccckkkk
Wednesday, July 13th, 2005
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Okay, my friend Di won’t talk to me until I post to my blog again. Well here it goes. A lot has happened since Gary died. I’ve been writing up a storm, I’m getting ready for a vacation. Yah!! First let me tell you what I’m currently working on. I’m working on the third installment for the Blood Brothers series. Also I’m working on my second comedy which has light BDSM. I’m not really a hard core type of gal. , a new series with three kick ass heroines, and a contemp which I would like to shop to a … Read more

Saturday’s Rant
Saturday, June 4th, 2005
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Well, it’s been a while since I’ve ranted. I don’t think I’ve had the heart to rant since Gary died. Yes, Gary is dead. I miss the little bugger. I don’t know whether to get a new turtle or a new pet or what. We all get so attached to our pets it seems as though they were real people. No, Gary wasn’t active like a puppy or a cat, but I took care of him, petted him, made sure he got the things he needed, and he still dies. *sigh* perhaps it has bummed me out more than I … Read more

Monday’s Rant
Monday, May 16th, 2005
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Okay it’s been a few days since my last rant, but I haven’t been in a ranting mood. Now I have something to rant about, porn. Now I don’t see anything wrong with it, hell I watch it. I was actually purchasing some so I could get the dynamics right for a story I’m working on and I came across the wierdest porn I ever saw. Now, I’m pretty open minded and I try not to judge, but someone tell me what the attraction of farting on someone is? Yes, there is porn for farters. People actually fart on each … Read more

Sunday’s Rant
Sunday, May 8th, 2005
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Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there!!! I hope everyone had a great mothers day. I went surprised my mom with a visit today, we so rarely see each other. We went out to a restaurant and since I was the first person in our party of 10 there, I went to the hostess to give my name and the number of the party. She rudely said 10? and rolled her eyes and said “well it’s going to be a long wait”, I replyed not losing my cool (I’m aware of that), then she repeated that it would … Read more

Tuesday’s Rant
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005
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I was ready to rant about American Idol tonight about how Simon has it out for Vonzell probably because she turned him down or something or how Scott Savol looks like Miss Piggy’s little brother or how Paula and Ryan Secreat get on my damn nerves, but no! I have something else to rant about tonight. I have kept my mouth shut about this runaway bride until I saw something on CNN. Should she pay for what she did? Hell yea that bitch should pay. In the beginning I was thinking well, maybe she was scared and didn’t realize all … Read more

Friday’s Rant
Friday, April 29th, 2005
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Well, I’m nearly finished with BB2. I really felt like killing off all the characters for all the trouble they were giving me, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Well, I’m off to write some more. Peace out!!… Read more

Thursday’s Rant
Thursday, April 28th, 2005
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Well, I didn’t post anything last night because I was too stunned after the idol upset. Not that Constantine got voted off or even that Scott is still in it (Lord knows why) but the shocking upset last night was that Simon didn’t slap the sh*t out of Paula. Is it me or has she gone a little over the top? Has she shed tears like that for any other contestant and then consoled their mom’s? Really Paula, get a grip. Maybe she was crying because she realizes that when there is no more idol her career will be over. … Read more

Tuesday’s Rant
Tuesday, April 26th, 2005
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Well, I’m feeling blue because all my author friends are having fun at RT and I’m stuck at home like Cinderella. I guess I can take this opportunity at least to catch up on my writing and next year they won’t be able to keep me away. :-D Anyway, American Idol, it kind of sucked tonight. Bo and Vonzell was the best. Scott needs to go. Peace out!!

Eve… Read more