Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Author Archive

Monday’s Rant
Monday, April 25th, 2005
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Well, It’s Monday and I was taking a break from my edits and I decided to order a couple of DVD’s from Amazon. I ordered this old movie called the Warriors about these gangs who rumbled. I saw it on I love the 70s on VH1 and apparently its some kind of cult classic so I thought I’d give it a try and then, I ordered my favorite documentary of all time. Pimps up Ho’s down. Has anyone seen this documentary? I mean it is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. It’s these grown men with perms and … Read more

Thursday’s Rant
Thursday, April 21st, 2005
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Well, Anwar is gone. I figured he would be out of there. I called it. Carrie and Bo in the final two. Me and my husband was arguing over weather or not Peter Cetara sucks. You’ll remember him from Chicago fame(the group, not the movie. I love Peter Cetara, call me corny but I like Tom Jones and Barry Manilow too. That’s right I said it. I’m a fanilow. Maybe I have a bizarre taste in music but I like it. I remember when I was younger I wanted to be the lead singer of the Jets and I would … Read more

Tuesday’s Rant
Tuesday, April 19th, 2005
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Well, American Idol was pretty decent. You heard it here folks, Bo and Carrie in the final two. I loved Carrie tonight, that girl sang her tail off.
I’m not catholic, but I’m glad they finally picked a new pope, now I can stop hearing about it. *sigh* It doesn’t really seem like there was that much of surprise among pope watchers. Well, I wish him luck. Anyone else tire about hearing about Michael Jackson? Is he a misunderstood man or a pervert of the worse nature. I don’t know. Peace out.… Read more

Monday’s Rant
Monday, April 18th, 2005
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Okay, I have been slacking with my rants, but I have been so busy I barely have time to breath. It’s official. I have no life. The most exciting part of my days lately has been to check and see if my pet turtle Gary is still alive. Yes, the little bugger is still alive an kicking. You’re probably wondering why I call him the little bugger. It’s because he is. He’s not much bigger than a half dollar but cleaning his tank is disgusting. For a little thing, he sure puts out a lot of waste. Sheesh, my next … Read more

Thursday’s Rant
Thursday, April 14th, 2005
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Well, I haven’t ranted in a few days. Sorry. Things have been so incredibly hectic. So many contracts, so little time. I wish there were 48 hours in a day. Well, my story Love Potion # 69 will be coming out with Changeling soon and I’m really nervous because it’s my first attempt at comedy. I hope people will think it is as funny as I did when I was writing it. But then again, I’ve learned that you can’t please everyone. :-)
Well, Nadia is gone from American Idol. I loved her, but I’m not surprised that she ‘s gone … Read more

Wenesday’s Rant
Wednesday, April 6th, 2005
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Hey all, it’s been such a funky week for me so I haven’t really posted like I should have. Well, A Night To Remember has been released and I’m very excited to recieve good feedback on it. I submitted an MS to my editor and hopefully I’ll hear from her by the weekend and I’m working on BB2. So I’ve been pretty busy. Now for AI last night. Boring. No one impressed me but if anyone should go home tonight it should be Anthony or Scott(the thug) Peace out!!… Read more

Saturday’s Rant
Saturday, April 2nd, 2005
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My friend Jenn, pointed out to me that since I’m an author I ought to mention my projects more often than running my trap, and here I was thinking I was sharing a piece of me, oh well, I just finished a manuscript I plan on submitting to my editor tomorrow, it’s a bit of an erotic thriller. I’m trying something new. I like to try new things to sharpen my skill because I don’t want to be pigeonholed into one drama. Now that that MS is out of the way you know what that means people? I can concentrate … Read more

Friday’s Rant
Saturday, April 2nd, 2005
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Me and the hubby went out to see Sin City tonight. I have one word of advice. Save your money. This movie was horrible. I’m too pissed to even rant about it now so stay tuned until tomorrow. Peace out.… Read more

Thursday Rant
Thursday, March 31st, 2005
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Well it’s over. Terri Shiavo is dead. I don’t really know whether she was a vegatable or not, no one really knew except Terri. I think this case wasnt really about whether she was coherent or not, it was about what she wanted. Was her husband telling the truth when he said that Terrri wouldn’t have wanted to live like that? I don’t know, and whether she did or not, he’s the one who has to live with it. Did her parents really truly know if Terri would have wanted to live like that or did they just not want … Read more

Wenesday’s Rant
Wednesday, March 30th, 2005
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Well, Jessica Sierra is gone. I didn’t think she was the worst last night to be honest with you. I wasn’t crazy about her, but Anthony deserved to go. I can’t believe that Anthony is still in it. He stunk last night. 3 more girls left. That’s odd, it’s usually the girls that outnumber the guys. My husband says that there is always that one contestant that always seems to make it further than they should.The first season it was Nikki, the second season it was Carmen, last season, I forget but if anyone can email me and tell me … Read more