Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Author Archive

Tuesday’s Rant
Tuesday, March 29th, 2005
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Oh my goodness, as I logged on to the internet, I found out that Johnnie Cohran died. Wow. That’s too bad. The OJ trail was so big in the ninties that it seems like you knew every player involed. Well, this is for you Johnnie, “If the glove don’t fit….” Well you know the rest. Anyway, saw American Idol tonight and you know what? I have a pet peeve I’d like to talk about. Why the hell do the contestants sit on their butts while they’re singing? I hate that. You’re there to entertain me, not sit there. Anyway, the … Read more

Monday’s Rant
Monday, March 28th, 2005
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Well, I know it’s been a few days in between Rants, thanks to AOhell. I can’t stand them and I don’t even know why I’m keeping them. I am still working like a demon to get my MS completed. My car has been giving me problems and I spent a butt load of money to get it fixed and as I drive from the dealership, the check engine light comes on again!!! My husband had to stop me from going off on someone. It’s not like I’m a rich person to be throwing money away like that. *sigh* Finally a … Read more

Wenesday’s Rant
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005
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Well, on the day I have plenty to rant about namely the most ignorant email, I had the misfortune to read, I just don’t feel like talking about it. It still really hasn’t sunk in yet. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow. Peace out!… Read more

Tuesday’s Rant
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005
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Well, tonight was very unproductive. I came home and played video games and then after cooking dinner, I watched American Idol. I think Mikalah is going home tomorrow. She was not that good, and where the heck does she get that NY accent from because she’s from Vegas!! Anyway I wasn’t crazy about Nadia’s performance but that girl wore that afro. She is so cute. And Vonzell is adorable. Those two are so pretty it makes you want to be sick, but I still like them and I’m rooting for them. There’s something about Bo Bice that’s really kind of … Read more

Monday’s Rant
Monday, March 21st, 2005
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Eve and I are definitely not the same person because it genuinely surprises me when I get fan mail LOL. Me!! I guess my stories are okay or else they wouldn’t have been accepted but, I have to keep pinching myself to see if this is real. I remember writing little short stories when I was younger. When I was about 8 I was going to be the next Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary, when I was about 13 I was going to be the next Christopher Pike and Francis…(the lady that wrote the Sweet Valley High Series), then around … Read more

Sunday’s Rant
Sunday, March 20th, 2005
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My lesson for today, is to always save. I had a good cry today when I thought I lost 30k words of my story I was working on. After that was out of my system I felt better. Fortunaetly I was about to recover but but what would have happened if I hadn’t? It’s been an emotional day so is the life of a writer. Oh well. I’m outtie!!… Read more

Saturday’s  Rant
Saturday, March 19th, 2005
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Well, it’s Saturday and I spent most of the day sitting at my computer typing my fingers to the bone. I’m nearly finished my story about and then I can move on to my next project. No my friends, it’s not BB2 although I’m working on it. Brother Niccolo is being very difficult right now and he’s not doing what I want him to. Everyone still seems to love Dante the best but let me tell you about Niccolo, or Nico as I call him affectionately, he’s 613, I think and he’s tall broad shoulders, short black hair, and big … Read more

Thursday’s Rant
Thursday, March 17th, 2005
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Well, I called it. Lindsay was voted off of American Idol. I do have to give her credit when she preformed her swan song. I thought that was very classy of her to shake the judges hand like that. I hope she finds sucess in life even if it isn’t as a singer. Oh well, tomorrow is Friday. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the day Uggg!!! Pray for me. I’m outtie!… Read more

Wenesday’s Rant
Wednesday, March 16th, 2005
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Well, it’s American Idol result night and I’m anxiously waiting to see of America got it right. If they did, Lindsay is going home. Sorry Lindsay, too bad so sad, but at least you made it this far. I am currently writing me little (well not so little) butt off. I’m working on a novel about a man given a second chance of winning his love back. It’s much more complicated than that, but hey, my show is about to come on. Anyway, I got some chicken in the oven and the creative juices are flowing tonight. I’m outta here!! … Read more

Tuesday’s Rant
Tuesday, March 15th, 2005
Filed under Uncategorized

American Idol was mediocre tonight. I definitely think Mario would have won or at least have been in the top 3. It’s really hard to tell out of who they have who will win. My favorites of the night were Nadia, Bo and Constatine. Ahh Constantine. He’s not good looking in the conventional sense but there’s just something about him. The more I think about it, I belive that Mario left because he has a skeleton in his closet he doesn’t want coming out. Oh well, now that he has brought attention to himself, someone will dig it out. I … Read more